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5 Nigerians Talk About Why They Go Back To Their Exes

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On today’s episode of “why I went back to my ex”, we’ll share the stories of 5 Nigerians as they explain the reasons why they went back to their exes. Prepare to hear all sorts of reasons – from loneliness to money to trying to make a sibling jealous. Before you say it can never be me, just know that someone else once said the same thing and then it became them.

But I have to ask, is it worth it to go back to one’s ex? 

I think the individuals in this article might think so. No one should ever forget the reasons why they left the relationship in the first place. However, if you do go back to your ex and it works out for you, then, congrats! But we wouldn‘t advise it.

Let’s get into the stories.

Eno, 27

Go Back To Their Ex

As I scrolled through social media, I couldn’t help but see the headlines: “Chioma and Davido Reunite!” They were my favourite celebrity couple, and their on-again, off-again relationship was always making headlines. But this time, something about their reunion resonated with me. 

I started thinking about my own ex, and how much I missed him. We had broken up a few months ago, but seeing Chioma and Davido back together made me wonder if I had made a mistake by letting him go.

Eventually, I sent a text and asked to meet up with him. We met at our old spot, and it felt like no time had passed at all. We laughed and joked, and eventually, we found ourselves back at each other’s apartments, rekindling what we thought was lost.

Sarah, 32

Go Back To Their Ex

I’ve been single for a few months now, and the loneliness was starting to get to me. I found myself scrolling through social media, seeing my friends’ happy relationships and feeling like I was the only one left behind. My mind kept wandering back to my ex, Alex, even though I knew he wasn’t good for me.

We broke up some months ago, and for good reason. Alex was controlling and dismissive of my feelings. But lying in bed alone every night, I couldn’t help but think about the good times we had shared. I started to think that maybe I made a mistake by leaving him and I won’t find anyone better.

Before I knew it, I had typed out a text message to Alex, asking to meet up. We met at a coffee shop, and it felt like old times. We laughed and joked, and I decided to ‘forget’ the reasons I left him in the first place. I’m 32 already and I don’t want to grow old alone.

Zach, 29

Go Back To Their Ex

I’m ashamed to admit it, but I’m considering going back to my ex – and it’s all because of money. I know, I know, it’s a terrible reason to reunite with someone. But let’s be real, bills don’t pay themselves.

I thought I had finally moved on from the toxic relationship, but then my car broke down and I couldn’t afford to fix it. And that’s when my ex swooped in, offering me a loan and a “friendly” ear to listen. Next thing I knew, we were grabbing lunch and reminiscing about old times.

Now, I’m not gonna lie, it feels good to have someone to lean on again. But deep down, I know I’m just using her for her wallet. And that’s a hard pill to swallow. I thought I was stronger than this, but I guess desperation can drive you to do some pretty crazy things.

Priye, 26

I thought I was over my ex, Daniel, but the truth was, I still longed for him. My attempt at moving on with someone else had been a disaster – that relationship had only made me realize how much I still wanted my ex.

I couldn’t help but think about the good times we had shared, the laughter, the adventures, and the late-night conversations, the mind-blowing sex…ugh! It had been so long and I missed him terribly; I knew I couldn’t keep pretending otherwise.

I wanted him back, and I was willing to do whatever it took to make it happen. I mustered up my courage, and sent him a message.

It turned out, he had missed me just as much as I had missed him. We both realized that we had made a mistake by breaking up, and we were willing to work through our issues to make it work this time around.

Osas, 28

Go Back To Their Ex

I had been single for a while, and my sister couldn’t stop gloating about her perfect relationship. One day, I saw my ex’s post, and a plan formed in my mind. We had remained friends after our breakup, and I knew he still had feelings for me. I decided to reach out to him, not because I still loved him, but because I wanted to make my sister jealous.

I sent him a flirty message and we started talking, and before long, we were meeting up for drinks. Of course, I posted a picture of us together on social media, tagging my sister so she wouldn’t miss it.

As I expected, she immediately messaged me, asking about my reunion with my ex. I decided to play it cool, telling her we were just catching up, but I knew she was annoyed. She had always thought she was the only one who could have a successful relationship, and now she felt threatened.

I was glad that my plan had worked, but as I spent more time with my ex, I realized I wasn’t over him as I thought. We started dating again, and while it was satisfying that I had made my sister jealous, I eventually realized that my happiness was more meaningful than a petty game.

In the end, I learned that using someone to make someone else jealous wasn’t worth it, but I was glad I gave my ex and me a second chance. And as for my sister? Well, she’s still perfect, but now she knows I can get back into the game whenever I want.

Whatever your reasons for getting back with your ex, always remember the saying, Once Bitten, Twice Shy but twice bitten? Then you just don’t learn. But this isn’t absolute, though. For those of you who got back with your exes and are now planning a wedding, don’t forget to invite us o. We’ll be there, even if we were the ones who initially discouraged you from going back. 🥴

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